Ladies and gentlemen,
We would like to welcome you and thank you for visiting of our internet sites.
Our one-family travel- and concert agency Club Tours Agentur among others arranges three significant periodical festivals and competitions (“European Accordion Festival”, “Musica Sacra Praga Choir Festival and Competition”, “Folk Songs”, “Prague Christmas” and “European Jazz Days”) and has arranged and coordinated tours for more than 250 choirs and musicgroups from the Austria, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Finland, France, Italy, Ireland, Island, Japan, Moldova, Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Schweiz, Sweden, Turkey and USA.
We further special educational trips for high schools and music schools to Prague and also individual concert trips for choirs and orchestras to Prague and to the Czech Republic. We organize “PRAGUE TOP TEN” 6-day packages – an offer of the best 10 events of the Prague culture, trips for advanced music and culture fans too.
Let us inform you about qualification and experience of the holder:
Pavel Švarc is the reputable Prague – cultur organizer and concert manager, the repertory adviser and interpreter, the educationalist and guide. He studied singing with prof. and singer K. Karenin (Prague conservatory), folklore with prof. F. Bonuą (Prague conservatory) and he closed his Prague Charles University studies (music pedagogics with prof. J. Plavec and German with prof. E. Beneą) in 1960 with a diploma.
Most important for his career was especially his activity at several Prague professional choir ensembles, first of all in 1972 – 1991 at the Prague Male Choir (cond. M. Koąler), not only as singer, but especially as manager of this international renowned ensemble. In 1985 – 1991 he managed also the well known costume brass band Strahovanka.
From 1992 he is in possession of the concert -, festival – and travel agency Club Tours Agentur Prague.
Our intimate knowledge of the cultural environment coupled with our expertise in the travel industry allow us to provide superior services with attention to every detail at surprisingly modest cost to our clients.
Be so kind and e-mail us if you are interested in further information.
Thank you for your trust
Pavel Švarc, Director
Club Tours Agentur Praha
založil Pavel Švarc r. 1992. Ze skromných začátků vybudoval pomocí syna Michala a dcery Petry z malé rodinné firmy mezinárodně uznávanou koncertní agenturu.
Její festivaly – zejména Musica Sacra Praga, Pražské Vánoce, Sborový festival A. Dvořáka, Evropský festival akordeonových orchestrů, Pražské struny – mají už v hudebním světě své jméno. Zúčastnilo se jich už více než 350 těles z 28 zemí celého světa. Velký ohlas má i letní sborová škola “Sing to the Lord”, kterou pro zájemce ze zámoří a z Anglie pořádá agentura od r. 2003.
Pavel Švarc získal své hudební vzdělání studiem na Pedagogické fakultě KU v Praze (diplom r. 1960). Sólový zpěv studoval u profesora Pražské konzervatoře věhlasného Konst. Karenina. Své hudební a pěvecké kvality uplatnil v profesionálních tělesech – Armádním uměleckém souboru V. Nejedlého (1952 – 53), dále v Čs. Státním souboru písní a tanců (1954 – 62) a v Pražském mužském sboru FOK (u M. Košlera, 1971 – 91). Své jazykové a organizační schopnosti uplatnil v FOK i jako úspěšný manažer.